For those who have never heard about Newegg. It is an American online retailer of items including computer hardware and consumer electronics. The company sells a lot of learning, educational and STEM toys. With Newegg kits you can learn about electricity and magnetism, about magnetic fields; you can build your own computer from start to finish and learn coding, and much more!
If you are fun of soldering or just making your first steps in this area, Newegg offers lots of soldering practice kits. You would be able to assemble digitally controlled FM radio, logic probe, E field sensor kit, your personal alarm clock, and more.
For robotic kit’s fans there are a few professional robotic learning platforms with educational robotic kits (programmable modules and Scratch and Python coding included). You would have a chance to practice your mechanical skills while learning about circuitry and engineering.
Having said that, in Newegg shops you can find lots of gifts for your family and friends. For instance, not long ago I bought a nice gift for a son of my friends: Electro Guitar Kit. In a few days he sent me a pic of his own electric guitar. He did it himself, without any help, just following the step-by-step instructions of the manual. The guy was so happy! And so was I.